The Mission of Jesus and the Mission of His Church will take
us outside of our comfort, but we have a Comforter!

Harvest Point Church is committed to sharing the goodness and Good News of Jesus with the World. Beginning where we are and moving to the far reaches of God Earth!

Harvest Point Church’s First International Mission Trip

Our church turns one year old this August (2024) and we are planning our first international mission trip to Bulgaria. Look at the glory of God! The Mission of the Cross is baked into HPC.

The Missions Team has met a couple of times concerning where and when Harvest Point will GO on a short-term mission's trip. We are planning a trip to work among UPC's (Unreached People Groups) in the Spring of 2025. The Country will be Bulgaria and the dates will be around March 15th to March 22nd. We have a team of 20 people preparing to go and serve. 20 people, in our small but mighty church body and beyond! Be on the lookout soon for opportunities to love, pray, and support these short term missionaries in the coming months.