What does it look like to become a member?

At Harvest Point, we care deeply about our membership being regenerated and called by God. A church is not a club house, so we are careful to make sure that everyone who joins is a follower of Jesus. That’s why we love to see people put their faith in Jesus, and we would love to talk to you about membership! Our process is very simple: Express your desire to become a part of Harvest Point Church to Pastor Joshua (in person or below), and he’ll work with you to set a time to answer any questions you may have about Harvest Point, about himself, or trusting Christ as your Savior. Lastly, our membership process requires that any applicant share their testimony with one of our Pastors. This is how we ensure that we are honoring the call of God for Harvest Point Church, to be a faithful Christian church.

Once we finish that process, you’ll be introduced to the church body as a new member, and the crowd will go wild. We are excited to meet you, and looking forward to our newest family member!

Take the first step.

Reach out to Pastor Joshua here (or talk to him before or after any service) and he will get back to you as soon as he’s able.